Monday, February 28, 2011

This is It

Well at 11 am we need to arrive at the hospital for Liv's procedure.  I'm mostly nervous about not being able to give her food.  She is cranky when she is hungry (just like her mother).  I have to wake her up at 8:30 to give her meds while she can still take water.  I still have to pack our bags.  Ughhh  I hate sleeping at the hospital.  They are the only nights I've been away from my husband.  Well prayers, fingers crossed, and hoping for a quick, easy procedure and no seizures, please!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

All Systems A Go

Well we were cleared for her to still get the procedure and feeding tube.  In two days, whenever I look at my daughter, there will be a tube coming out of her nose.  When we go to the Epilepsy Walk in DC, she will have a tube coming out of her nose and we will have to take all of the machinery with us.  Oh geez!  I guess I never realized anywhere we go, we will have to take all of the equipment until just now!  But it will make her healthier, I think.  I think it will sink in even more on Monday.  Who knows, maybe a miracle will happen and she will only be on it for a month!  Bless my child!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Oh What A Night!

Ughhh.  Liv had a fever of 103 and meds weren't helping.  I guess it's because when we gave her ibuprofen, she puked it back up.  We kept putting wet, cool compresses on her, but we could only get it down to 102.  Liv likes to take up most of the bed and she would not let us put her in her room.  Besides, when she pukes, she doesn't turn her head, she just chokes.  So when she throws up, I get scared to put her in her room.

On the upside... we got Tylenol this morning and about 10 mins after taking it, she started to feel better.  She is playing around with her toys right now.  Drew is out getting her prescription now.  I still hope for the procedure on Monday, but I have been told it's doubtful.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Fingers Crossed

Well Liv does have an ear infection and she might not be able to get the endoscopy.  This is frustration because we have been waiting 2 months for this.  It's hard to anticipate and get your thoughts and feeling ready for your child to have a procedure.  Now it might be postponed and we have to go through the waiting game even longer.  I'm hoping her doctor will say she wants her to get the feeding tube now and do the procedure when it's not winter.  Well whatever happens, was meant to happen.  On a good note, Liv finally reached 20 lbs.

Of Course She's Sick

I got a call from the daycare today that Liv has a temp of 102 and they think she has an ear infection.  We are only 4 days away from the procedure.  We call in tomorrow to find out what time we are supposed to arrive for the procedure.  They could cancel it if they is sick.  I really don't want to put this off.  I hope they still do it.  So hopefully Liv will be completely better by 3:30 tomorrow and not have an ear infection.  Oh please pray!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Pre Op

Today was Liv's pre op.  We sat around for over an hour for a 15 minute check.  It was mostly just asking us questions about Liv and previous times she went under.  Oh well, at least it's done.  Less than a week until the procedure.  Not looking forward to spending a couple of days in a hospital.  Prayers for a single room and everything ending up ok.  Hopefully no seizures this time!

Monday, February 21, 2011


I've been busy this week and that's the excuse for the lack of writing.  Nothing eventful has happened.  We went to a neighbors birthday party (one of Liv's friends) and I couldn't stay long.  Liv is fearless about commando crawling through the rooms, but I'm not like her.  There were a lot of adults and I was worried she was going to get stepped on.  She can't walk so I don't think people would see her that well.  It does get hard watching children younger than yours doing more things.  I know Liv tries hard, and that's all that matters to me, but sometimes it would be nice to brag about the new thing my child just learned.  I know I can still do that, but I would love to know what it feels like for my child to be the first to learn something new.  Oh well.  I am getting nervous since the procedure is in a week.  I keep picturing my daughter with a tube coming from her nose and all of the pictures that will show that.  At least we got 2 years worth of pictures without it.  It makes me wonder what she is going to think when she looks back at her baby photos.  Well I just hope she doesn't need it for too long and it will just end up a dusty old picture in our memories.  I do try to remember the good times over the times in the hospital.  I guess it's time to start prepping myself for staying a couple of days in the hospital.  It's only a week away.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Evil Boss Strikes Again

On Friday I typed up a letter for the principal to sign proving that my husband and I work there Monday through Friday 9 hours a week.  This letter is for the insurance company to pay for Olivia to attend medical daycare.  She wrote back stating that she won't sign for that much since we don't work that much.  So today I gave her a blank one to fill in the time.  She won't sign that either.  So I had to go to the district and ask them how I can get verification.  They are going to take care of it, but what the bleep?  I mean does she not know if I work there?  What the hell is her problem?  My daughter could get kicked out of daycare if she isn't approved.  She can't get approved if I can't prove that we work.  I swear to God if she gets kicked out, I will make her wish she didn't mess with me.  And she would lose a teacher because I would have to stay home with Liv.  I just don't understand her.  Even if you hate me, you can't sign a paper that proves I work there?  Well I know where she will end up and I know she will eventually get hers.  She can suck it!

Monday, February 14, 2011


After having children over for Liv's party, we came to the realization that she is really far behind mentally.  I had no idea that children 1 1/2 can show you where their ears are and know that a bunny hops.  Olivia can't make connections to things.  I think she looks at all of her toys like they are toys and not a specific stuffed animal that can do things in real life.  I never noticed how far behind she was until Saturday.  Even though she doesn't make connections and is no where near where she should be, I still feel like she is an amazingly smart girl.
At the party, Liv stuck her tongue out.  Believe it or not, this is a milestone for her.  She has oral sensory issues and still doesn't chew her food.  Which she used to get by on, but  now needs a feeding tube.  She has never been able to work her tongue.  I yelled across the room to Drew that she stuck her tongue out.  I could tell the other parents are like what's the big deal.  I tried to explain that it is huge for her, but I don't think they get it.  If anything, I am able to notice many more milestones because they happen more slowly.  I think people take our natural body movements for granted.  I know I had until I had Liv.  But the even better part, is that she did it the next day too.  Liv tends to forget things that she has already learned.  It's hard to watch her say all done about 100 times a day and go to us barely getting it out of her once a day.  It's because she forgot that she could say it.  It has happened with other words as well.  I hope her sticking her tongue out will lead to chewing food.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Birthday Party

Liv's birthday party was great.  We have a small house and I was worried about space issues.  The right amount of people came for the space.   Liv had a great time.  She loves spending time with her friends.  I think it bothers her that they can walk and she can't, so we let her get in her walker for a little bit.  It's hard because she plows us over when she is in it, so we didn't want that to happen to a child.  I thought the party was a success and the kids had a great time.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Oh I Missed You Naps!

Last night was not fun.  Liv woke up about 4 times.  She went to bed really early due to not napping, but then she can't stay asleep.  She napped today at daycare, so I'm hoping for the best for tonight.  She will sleep through most of the night.  She will sleep through most of the night.  How many times do I have to wish it for it to come true?

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Livy thinks she is a big girl and doesn't need to take naps anymore.  It's been 5 days.  She has been going to bed earlier, but she does need naps.  She's been getting up a lot at night.  I hope this works itself out soon.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My Baby is 2

A Sigh of Relief

Livy for the first time in about a month seems to be doing well.  She doesn't seem congested and isn't coughing.  I hope it's because we got her a new humidifier.  She still is a little gassy, but we can handle that.  It's nice to just have a happy baby!

Monday, February 7, 2011

A Yucky Night

My husband, Liv, and I are all laying in our bed and we can tell Liv is tired.  She drinks some more milk and all of the sudden sounds like she is choking.  I quick lean her forward for her to puke all over my bed.  It just keeps coming and we can even think quick enough.  She finally finishes and we start cleaning up that nasty mess.  She finally falls asleep and we put her in her crib.  About 4 hours later she wakes up.  I go over and pick her up to rock her back to sleep.  She is really fidgety and I start to get frustrated because she wants to pull my hair.  I set her back in her crib to go make a bottle.  I hear her start to cough and I run into see her choking on her puke while she lays on her back.  I pick her up and lean her forward while she pukes all over her bed.  Yuck!  So we clean that up and now I'm scared to let her sleep alone.  What would have happened if I didn't pick her up in time?  Why did she not turn her head to the side?  I know she doesn't understand that stuff, but I guess I thought it was just a normal reaction.  So we put her in our bed again to sleep in between us.  I felt so cramp and didn't sleep well, but at least Liv did.  So here I am typing this instead of being at work.  She is really fussy today and I only have 2 hours to decide if I'm going to take off tomorrow too.  Not sure what I'm supposed to do.  She is napping right now and I could go clean up, but I'm feeling pretty lazy after all that excitement from last night.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Fun Time with Friends

Yesterday we went to a birthday party and saw friends from the mom's group I used to be in.  It was great to see the children that Livy used to play with (still does sometimes).  They have all grown and developed so fast.  It's crazy when children a year younger are doing so much more than your child.  Sometimes I can't stay at parties like that because it gets upsetting, but this time I was ok.  I guess it's because I missed everyone or maybe I'm learning to accept it more.  Sometimes I like her learning at a slower pace because it really makes me appreciate every little thing she learns.  We always make such a big deal when she learns something new.  She's just amazing to watch.  She kept smiling at the kids and sometimes they stopped and sat down next to her.  She really enjoyed being there even though she couldn't keep up.  It's amazing what kids can teach us.  They don't see disabilities at that age, they just see Olivia.  I hope it continues to stay that way.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Eek! Teeth Everywhere!

Livy was fussy today and I was getting frustrated.  So I put her in the carrier and make myself dinner and I realize that her gums are so red and swollen.  I gave her some ibuprofen and went to dance class.  My hubby has been here with her so I guess I'll find out how she has been doing.  She is getting about 5 teeth at once.  Oh that poor baby!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Birthday Girl

Yesterday was Olivia's 2nd Birthday!!!  We went out to eat and she is already acting like a 2 year old.  She does not want to sit in the high chair and does not want to stay in one spot too long.  She used to sit at the table for 2 hours with us.  I guess those days are over.  It is good to see that she is doing something that other children her age do.  She has come such a long way and is a delight to have as a daughter.  I can't imagine life without her.  Now I can't wait to get out of work so I can see her.